Every experience is an opportunity for growth. And as far as I see it, a little laughter, too...

My coaching helps people learn and discover truths about themselves while being empowered to live big lives. My music is my soul. Stuffing Myself Silly: The Story of a Food Junkie, my new book, is a peek into how I got from there to here. I will always be a work in progress.

Life is a wild, hilarious, heartbreaking, powerful, messy, glorious, journey, that continues to unfold. This site is dedicated to all of that and then some. My music, my writing, my coaching, and all my life's work is for my son Jonah Alexander Campbell-Swotes to whom my whole life is dedicated.

“You look around with such wonder and take me back again to a place I’ve never been. I know that things aren’t always easy, but you will fly, and I will stand for you until the day I die. Jonah came to stay, for a little visit with us on the ninth of May…”

- Lyrics to 'Jonah' by Steph Campbell

Who am I?

I'm a singer/songwriter, performer, and author. My creativity has only enhanced the 23 years of experience I have as a self-development life coach. During this time, I have helped hundreds of clients abandon deep suffering and return home to authentic peace.

I began my own self-development and healing journey over 40 years ago. My mother's severe mental illness and my father's early departure at the young age of 41 put me on a path where saving my own soul and learning how to navigate my own internal wounds had to be my priority. Self-development and healing remain my wealthiest asset. An invaluable investment with a remarkable return.

My work is thus devoted to sharing my story. To offer coaching, guidance, and information to anybody who takes the brave leap onto the path of self-discovery and healing. If you ignite the courage to heal, a beautiful life awaits you.

There is a better way. If that is what you’d like.

My vision

My mission is to halt and heal generational trauma by utilizing creative, loving, forces. Thus, giving any and all kindred souls the opportunity to do the same by engaging with me as a catalyst.

It has now been said, and so it shall be.

"Never underestimate a cycle breaker. Not only did they experience years of generational trauma, but they stood in the face of the trauma and fought to say, “This ends with me.” This is brave. This is powerful. This comes at a significant cost. Never underestimate a cycle breaker.."

-Nate Postlethwait